Hey, everyone! If you're a fan of being a nerd, and also maybe anime, then we've got a treat for you! From the creators of Last Time on Video Games, here's the first episode of our other podcast about old stuff! Specifically, this one's about an older anime: Gundam Seed! This is the first issue of our episode-by-episode review of the show. It only gets better as it goes on, and we think it's a lot of fun! Let us know what you think either on our Discord or by shooting us an email at gundam@lasttimeonvideogames.com!
Show Notes
(04:20) So many people point guns at Relena.
Also, some
(06:00) In which we learn that Zach and Geremy have seen every Gundam ever. Mostly.
(18:00) Kira took about 40 levels in computer wizard.
(23:20) KiraXAthrun: Kirathrun
(28:45) Sunglasses chick is Natarle, btw. Tyler was super wrong about her.