This time, we look at a game that doesn't really make any sense when compared to the rest of the games in the series. It's Zelda II, the game in which you stab things to death and get items that don't do anything for you other than let you find other things to stab!
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(1:00) Apartment shenanigans. Zach's been playing SoD, which looks pretty good. Walking Dead continues to be good, surprising no one, but pleasing many. Also, we talk a bit about Save the Date.
(11:40) Apparently, not many people make up stories for games while playing them if one's not present. Do you? Let us know!
(14:30) Tibia is an isometric view, 2D, genericly fantasy MMO with use-based skill levels. You can level in fishing!
(16:30) To Be or Not to Be, the choosable path adventure book based on Hamlet. Coincidentally, there are about 10^120 possible chess games.
(21:30) We give some post-processing thoughts on Castlevania 2.
(23:30) Zelda II's a pretty cool game that doesn't afraid of resurrecting Ganon. Overworld maps might be overrated for this game.
(28:30) This game defies most of the Zelda tropes, what with the death holes, lack of puzzles, and unforgiving levels. Also, it's a bit glitchy.
(33:30) In Bed...
(35:20) Related, Tyler rambled about items and scope of player actions. This game doesn't really let you do different things, and it's sad.
(42:00) Wrapping up. You can prolly pass it up.
Next time on Last Time, Doom 2!
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Our download is Error!
(1:00) Apartment shenanigans. Zach's been playing SoD, which looks pretty good. Walking Dead continues to be good, surprising no one, but pleasing many. Also, we talk a bit about Save the Date.
(11:40) Apparently, not many people make up stories for games while playing them if one's not present. Do you? Let us know!
(14:30) Tibia is an isometric view, 2D, genericly fantasy MMO with use-based skill levels. You can level in fishing!
(16:30) To Be or Not to Be, the choosable path adventure book based on Hamlet. Coincidentally, there are about 10^120 possible chess games.
(21:30) We give some post-processing thoughts on Castlevania 2.
(23:30) Zelda II's a pretty cool game that doesn't afraid of resurrecting Ganon. Overworld maps might be overrated for this game.
(28:30) This game defies most of the Zelda tropes, what with the death holes, lack of puzzles, and unforgiving levels. Also, it's a bit glitchy.
(33:30) In Bed...
(35:20) Related, Tyler rambled about items and scope of player actions. This game doesn't really let you do different things, and it's sad.
(42:00) Wrapping up. You can prolly pass it up.
Next time on Last Time, Doom 2!
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