Episode 42: Excessive Celebration [Tecmo Bowl]

High fives, and no play clocks!  Also, only 4 plays for each side, so it's super simple.  Touchdown!

Make a forward play for the download!

(02:20) Dude, bro!  Jason's on the show with us!

(04:20) C'mon and grab your friends.  Also, we talk briefly about some terrible games.

(07:30) Zach and Tyler relay the epic story of building Zach's computer.

(08:00) Pluggin' the fantasy league again!

(10:30) A processor that's designed to run around 60 C running at about 100C seemed to be our problem.

(12:00) Zach's current power setup.  Also, a discussion of current problems with our power systems.

(14:30) Meddling kids...  Time compression!

(16:00) Podcast topic, I choose you!

(17:00) More self-reference.

(20:00) We challenge Tyler's gamer cred.

(24:00) An absurd conversation about a universe where the names of plays in sports are sponsored.

(24:50) Gankorade, now in delicious Gun!

(29:00) Best high five ever.  Also... the half time show.  I wish it at least had this music.

(31:30) Gameplay choices!

(38:00) Indianapolis Narwhals!  Also, our final thoughts.

(43:00) Weird forms of DRM.

Next time on Last Time, Duck Tales Remastered!

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