Episode 77: Puzzle WIZARDS [Solomon's Key]

The best wizards use fireballs, and Dana's definitely got those. Mostly, though, he can defy the precept of conservation of matter to create and destroy blocks! It's surprisingly useful. Too bad there are SO MANY ENEMIES.  That, and the fairies aren't nearly as useful as they are in Zelda.

Our download's no fairy, but it is ethereal

Show Notes

(01:00) Payday games!

(08:00) Fire Emblem hard pansy mode vs. hard real mode.

(13:30) All the character archetypes!  Just... go spend an hour on TV Tropes.

(16:30) I am Groot.

(17:30) You know how Mana Khemia is awesome?  The sequel sucks.  Don't play it.

(19:30) Conversely, Grandia II is pretty good.

(24:00) Space vandals!

(25:00) Inducing panic in players.  We discuss audio cues and countdown timers.

(30:00) Turns out there's no Link between these games.  Tyler got the name wrong.

(34:00) Replaying puzzle games.

(36:00) Beating/starting levels is a bit disappointing.  The music's pretty good, though.

(41:00) Speaking of constantly repeated puzzles...  By the way, Resident Evil, collecting a key and opening a door with it is not a puzzle.

Next time on Last Time, it's Renegade!

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