Episode 91: And They Couldn't Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again [King's Knight]

Remember those epics where knights shoot their sword lasers at things? No? I mean... Zelda's an epic, right? Anyway, join us on a magical adventure to save a princess and rebuild the king!

Downloads are the new powerdowns!

Show Notes

(00:40) Ed joins us!

(07:10) From the people who brought you Layton: Weapon Shop de Omasse.  Related: Jacksmith.

(12:40) John Wick was pretty decent.

(16:30) Sm4sh!

(20:00) Gihren's Greed is a pretty sweet looking game.

(30:00) Dragon Age: Inquisition is Zach's current conquest.

(38:30) This week's game: Bar USA, Monster at Law.

(50:00) Killer Bee: master rapper.

Next time on Last Time, Fallout!

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