Episode 141: Air Man's Revenge [Mega Man II]

Everyone loved metal blades, so why not put some of those in greyscale?  It can't be that much of a difference anyway.  Also, we should definitely add a jackhammer because people love construction!  Take a Rush Jet with us to the next installment of Sorta-Porting™ the Mega Man franchise to the Game Boy.  Did we mention metal blades?

Now mashing our last download and our next one together!

Show Notes

(01:10) Bloody mintberries.

(01:30) You should check out some Smash Flashes.

(05:00) If you haven't played Bravely Default yet and want to master all the classes, just wait until you get a level 9 Conjurer to do it.  They basically added endgame grinding mechanics.

(07:30) Talking about the technical difficulties of cross-platform development.

(14:00) Zach talks about Fates.

(24:30) Tsunderplanes.

(29:00) Go learn about Ultima.  It seems pretty sweetawesome.

(32:00) Mega Menz!  Also, this guy for some reason.

(42:00) Will this game achieve the coveted Lemon Medal?

Next time on Last Time, Sonic CD!

Gotta go past!
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
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