Episode 169: Monkeys are Jerks [Donkey Kong GB]

Giant monkeys throwing barrels have been staples of video games forever, and now you can solve puzzles while fighting them!  Well, they're probably only native to this franchise (and some obscure ripoffs?!), but there's definitely a couple in here.  Also, jumping off of your hands is more effective than from your feet, which is novel.  We'll have to test that some time.

Barrels of downloads.

Show Notes

(03:30) Sorry about the Pyschonauts ending again.  Also, the lost episode.

(05:00) Triggered.

(09:50) Apparently wishes come true?

(12:30) All those Bidoofs and the Shuckster.

(17:00) Some Poke-generational comparison.

(20:00) Apparently they're doing more of them?

(23:30) Pokémon plays Twitch.  It was pretty impressive.

(27:00) Puzzle monkeys!

(34:00) Mechanic hodgepodge.

(40:00) On the ladder?

Next time on Last Time, Mega Man X2!

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