What’s the best sauce for doner kebab? Batarang! In this episode we get dueling condiments, philosophical rambling from Mr. Burnsides, and a submission to the System’s Funniest Home Videos! Also featured: Dress Up Cagalli! Despite not being action-y, this one’s pretty great, and contains one of the best shirts in existence.
Phase 17: Better than a Shirtless Amuro
In the greates mic drop of all time, Kira inspires Waltfeld’s fighting spirit, and will accidentally incite the Greater Doner Kebab Incident. Many lives were lost. Also of note are some great call shots with RPGs, one of the most dramatic slaps committed to animation stills, and I guess one of Cagalli’s friends dies or something.
Phase 16: Love Punch
This episode sees the return of Cagalli! Again! We also get Mu about to become James Bond, Kira being angsty and fighty about being angsty, and Flay being… well, Flay. In case it’s not clear, we love Flay Lannister. Also, some tacto-babble with the Desert Dawn sets us up for the next episode as Andrew “Folgers” Waltfeld reluctantly takes arms. Emotions are high even as the Archangel is grounded!
Phase 15: Promise Birdies
War. War is filled with coffee. And that never changes, even in space! We return to Earth, and begin to deal with the most important subject in human history: teenage relationship drama! Cagalli’s back, Sai’s angsting, Flay’s… being a weirdo and kinda creepy. Also, we get some sweet melee combat, and Kira’s continued use of improvised moves. No Natural could do that sweet flying knee!
Phase 14: Universal Cheesecake License
Frankly, one of the better contrivances I’ve seen for a clip episodes: the main character is having a fever-induced flashback sequence! Also, the supporting cast is reminiscing or something, I guess. We also get to see the origin of Coordinators, and learn the story of George “Good At Everything” Glenn! More importantly, though, we get an introduction to the most important character in the series: DaCosta!
Phase 13: Beard of Mutiny Prevention
Suddenly, 2-3 ZAFT ships show up and wreck stuff! In this week’s episode, some real times happen, and some people die. It’s intense and generally just great stuff. There’s also some teenage drama llama-ing, nice interplay within the varying factions, and some sweet atmospheric reentry (or just entry[?] in the case of the Archangel?).
Phase 12: Shady Employment Practices
One thing this show is good at is making politics interesting. Even SEED's remarkable prowess fails, however, when all it has to work with is bureaucracy. It even did this to itself! The Archangel is docked, and the Case of the Kidnapped Orb Kids is finally handled. How? By pretending they were conscripted! Convenient! Apparently coerced child soldiering is a problem, but voluntarily doing that is fine. Also, Flay is joining the space arm? I wonder if she ever does anything useful in that capacity. (Spoilers: No)
Phase 11: A Knee to the Buster
A wild Kevin appears! Go, Athrun! Use Teenage Angst!
In this episode Kira gets court martialed, which goes about as well as you’d expect. Flay picks up additional levels in… Bard? Rogue? Something manipulative, because she starts doing more of that. Natarl gets to seem competent, and Mu gets to seem incompetent, though not necessarily all at the same time. Also, sweet space fights and some of Kira’s trademarked improvisational fighting!
Phase 10: Dang It, Mu La Flaga: The Guy I Hate!
We made it 10 episodes in, and finally, we hit an episode that's all kill no filla. Instead of talking about a super old movie, Geremy mentions he's watching the now old Iron Blooded Orphans, which he never finished, and how everyone in the cast seems to have taken a level in rogue. Except Flay who just takes a level in rogue. Plus, a panty shot, and more arguments about the morality of hostage taking! Maybe I should have lead with that. Also, we announce our contest winners! Don't miss it!
Phase 09: Ignoring Our Mission is What we Do
It's on to episode 9 of It's a Gundam and things are heating up. We talk about the recently released Star Wars: The Force Awakens, showing just how long ago we actually recorded this podcast, and then ultra pragmatist Zach and anime eyed idealist Geremy argue hostage ethics for 20 minutes. Who will survive? Listen to find out!
Phase 08: The Land of Facepalms
Phase 07: Space Perspective
Phase 06: Shifty Ass Captain Magee
It's Episode 6, time to stop all that advancing plot nonsense and have a bit of a one off! The crew of The Archangel find themselves on an asteroid base because... well the crew of The Whitebase did it! On the plus side, we learn about the less cool Deathscythe, Natarle's inability to just be cool, and Mu La Flaga's karate chop action.
Phase 05: They’re Down to 7 of Their 8 Arms!
Phase 04: Gundam Needs New Spark Plugs
Phase 03: But I Don't Wanna!
Phase 02: Kira Yamato Operating Systems Wizard
Phase 01: The Christmas Invasion
Hey, everyone! If you're a fan of being a nerd, and also maybe anime, then we've got a treat for you! From the creators of Last Time on Video Games, here's the first episode of our other podcast about old stuff! Specifically, this one's about an older anime: Gundam Seed! This is the first issue of our episode-by-episode review of the show. It only gets better as it goes on, and we think it's a lot of fun! Let us know what you think either on our Discord or by shooting us an email at gundam@lastpodcasts.com!