Episode 81: No Ninja, No Ninja, No [Legend of Kage]

Super jumping ninjas are a lot less cool when they die in one hit.  Or when they can't change their jump arc because of the committed relationship.  Or when their sword arts don't have lightning effects.  They're still ninjas, though, which is pretty awesome.

Our download can cling to trees.

Show Notes

(05:00) Game shows and trivia!  Coincidentally the element krypton is not named after the fictional planet.

(07:20) Finally, the end of Grandia.  The usual tropes apply.

(08:00) Mole people have great potential!  They'll dig their way to the heavens!  Who the hell do you think they are?!

(09:00) Payday 2 did a reward balance.

(12:40) Phoenix Wright has some weird opponents.

(13:45) Undead & Undressed, the game about undressing vampires in broad daylight to kill them.

(15:10) Destiny!  It's a game, apparently!

(17:10) The LoL lore reboot is a bit disappointing.

(21:30) Fallout: Equestria!  Apparently both a tabletop RPG and a huge fanfic base.

(31:00) Gone Home seems pretty cool.  Still.

(33:00) Troll WIZARDS!

(34:40) Magic Power Rangers?

(37:30) I Am The One Who Knocks is waaay easier than Full Measure.

(38:30) Power Rangers/Sailor Moon crossover needs to happen.

(40:10) 8-Directional shuriken is not as good as metal blade.

Next time on Last Time, Asteroids and Galaga!

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