
Episode 176: Bubbling Through Your Own Shield [Bubble Bobble & Space Invaders]

What do side-scrolling aliens and bubble-spewing dragosaurs have in common?  No one's really sure, but there must be something, because the same company made games about both and this episode is about both, too.  Illuminati confirmed!  Also... triangle ships, I guess?  Anyway, evidence abounds, just as we'll be rebounding off of various obstacles on our quest to turn our space ship back into a real boy.

If you bubble the download right as it flies past, you get 5000 LTOVG points!

Show Notes

(01:30) Mildly NSFW, Charisma Potion.  It's pretty good.

(03:30) Duel Links: Tyler tested, Geremy disapproved.

(13:00) Ignoring the "hinges on lack of ditto" thing, it's a pretty good theory.

(19:30) Keep it klassy, Kombat.

(29:30) Because the people who made this show were dorks.

(32:30) Invading the ranks.

(40:00) Taito: And now for something completely different.

(45:45) I dunno, this doesn't sound like I'm fighting to redeem my humanity.

(47:00) Bust-A-Move is definitely the match 3 game we were thinking about.  Also, ranking the Bubbs and the Bobbs.

Next time on Last Time, Metal Marines, the lost episode returned!

Scout our missiles at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 81: No Ninja, No Ninja, No [Legend of Kage]

Super jumping ninjas are a lot less cool when they die in one hit.  Or when they can't change their jump arc because of the committed relationship.  Or when their sword arts don't have lightning effects.  They're still ninjas, though, which is pretty awesome.

Our download can cling to trees.

Show Notes

(05:00) Game shows and trivia!  Coincidentally the element krypton is not named after the fictional planet.

(07:20) Finally, the end of Grandia.  The usual tropes apply.

(08:00) Mole people have great potential!  They'll dig their way to the heavens!  Who the hell do you think they are?!

(09:00) Payday 2 did a reward balance.

(12:40) Phoenix Wright has some weird opponents.

(13:45) Undead & Undressed, the game about undressing vampires in broad daylight to kill them.

(15:10) Destiny!  It's a game, apparently!

(17:10) The LoL lore reboot is a bit disappointing.

(21:30) Fallout: Equestria!  Apparently both a tabletop RPG and a huge fanfic base.

(31:00) Gone Home seems pretty cool.  Still.

(33:00) Troll WIZARDS!

(34:40) Magic Power Rangers?

(37:30) I Am The One Who Knocks is waaay easier than Full Measure.

(38:30) Power Rangers/Sailor Moon crossover needs to happen.

(40:10) 8-Directional shuriken is not as good as metal blade.

Next time on Last Time, Asteroids and Galaga!

Pew? Pew PEW!
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 80: Elevators As a Lethal Weapon [Elevator Action]

Super spies are cool, and so are elevators! Somehow, though, these concepts are not peanut butter and chocolate, for they blend somewhat confusingly. You can, however, crush your foes, which is amusing. You'd really think this guy would have a better escape plan than "take the elevator".

The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to download this episode.

Show Notes

(01:30) Sailor Moon, the best hero!

(07:30) Back to the League.

(11:30) The Street Pass add-on games for the 3DS are pretty awesome.  Sadly, no one carries their 3DS on them.

(15:20) Super Sm4sh Bros. is out soon.  By the time of publishing this, the demo is available for everyone!

(23:00) DoS: Hitting a server so much that it can't serve requests reliably.  DDoS: Doing that with a ton of computers.  Lesson: The secret to being a hacker is to be rich!

(25:00) There's both Galactic Civilization III and Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth.

(27:20) Duck, D-Jump, Dive, D-shoot-the-enemy-spies, and Duck!

(31:00) Consensus: It's a little boring.  Some powerups or different enemy types would help this immensely.

(37:00) Gone Home sounds pretty cool.  Also, The Walking Dead is fun.

Next time on Last Time, Legend of Kage!

Up and down!
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 78: Anime Minus The Anime [Renegade]

Sometimes, you have to fight the power. Sometimes, the power is other people fighting the power. Sometimes, you can't handle the power... or the motorcycle segments. Sadly, you don't have a buster sword, because it would really help there. Anyway, get ready to beat 'em up. Beat all of them up!

Our download has a unique dialogue sequence.

Show Notes

(01:45) Biz Markie, not to be confused with Otto von Bismark.

(06:00) Zach's possibly going to be going up in League rank.

(07:30) Physics cries when you play Street Fighter IV.

(09:10) Man At Arms, defiler of watermelons.

(14:20) Kingdom of Loathing now has slightly slicker sticks.  Yup.

(19:00) The DM's plight: getting characters to take bosses seriously.

(21:30) Shottagan!

(24:30) Controls are similar to Double Dragon.

(29:20) Screen transition health replenishment!

Next time on Last Time, The Ignition Factor!

You can douse our fires at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.