Episode 133: A Big 2D Sidescrolling Boss Fighter Guy [Street Fighter 2010]

There comes a time in the life of every brawler/scientist where the science takes a back seat... to JUSTICE! Yes, our most esteemed physicists are often known for equipping themselves with cyborg enhancements and jumping through time/space portals all over the place to combat alien evils. Actually, why don't we currently live in this, the objectively better, of realities? I would love to throw a hadouken with every punch. We can only dream...

Every two downloads enhances your downercut.

Show Notes

(02:45) Turns out, the secret to d'gons is Stillness.  That stupid Transience strat is weak sauce.

(08:00) Everyone died the week we recorded this.

(13:30) Petalburg Gym's differences at a glance: RS vs. E.

(16:00) A bit of backstory.

(19:00) Brazil is weird.

(23:00) Sweet ninja moves, Ken!

(37:30) Rankercut!

Next time on Last Time, Balloon Fight!

Twice the jousting!
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