Episode 134: The Great Balloon War [Balloon Fight]

Armed with neither an ostrich nor a lance, you, brave soldier, must fight this war.  We've supplied you only with two helium filled rubber balloons and some military grade overalls.  Good luck, brave warrior.  May you pop all balloons you find.  That aren't yours.  Or your allies', I suppose.  Really, there might be a bit more discretion involved with this operation than I originally implied.  Either way, go fight!

Popping both downloads gets you devoured... by the SOUL FISH!

Show Notes

(02:45) Ball Bullet Gun!  Also, some Pony Island, but we'll save discussion of that for later with comparison of Frog Fractions.

(09:30) Dragon Sphere, while not a discount Dragon Ball, looks potentially horri-great.

(16:00) Because Boba Fett really needed his own pinball table.

(19:30) Phasma's armor gets her own Wookipedia page.  So much potential wasted.

(27:30) The second Balloon War.

(31:30) Interlude!  The sounds in this game are pretty good.

(35:00) 3 balloons indicates a rank of admiral.

Next time on Last Time, Sin & Punishment!

Saki no sake!
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