
Episode 204: Resident Evil

When too many people go missing, it's time to call in the experts.  When the experts go missing, it's time to call in... S.T.A.R.S. ... !  Join Jill and Chris as they explore a mansion infested with badness.  A sort of evil, one might say, in residence at said mansion.  Fight through undead abominations, tricky puzzles, and pre-rendered backgrounds resulting in clunky camera angles to save your friends... and yourself!  Though, there's less fighting and more puzzle solving, so maybe you'll want to bring some quick quips so you can keep up with Guybrush.

Here's a download.  It might be handy if you, a master of downloading, take it with ya.

Show Notes

(01:00) Thanks Audience!  This Podcast was almost a Jill Sandwich!

(18:15) The Super NES Mini, next to a copy of Persona 5 and a Nintendo 3DS for scale.

(22:00) Happy Death Day!  It's genuinely good!

(27:45) Run Like Hell is an Xbox/PS2 title similar to Resident Evil.  Old enough nobody remembers it but not quite old enough to be of interest to this podcast.

(28:45) The awkward-ass opening cut scene of the original Resident Evil, almost as awkward as us trying to transition into talking about it!

(30:00) Chris Redfield: Boulder Puncher

(47:15) Ranking Evil

Next time on Last Time, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World!

Believe it!  Possibly reused jokes at,,,
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Episode 195: The Least Dangerous Game [Landstalker]

Some treasure hunters are legendary.  Some steal phoenix feathers to try to resurrect their long-dead girlfriends.  Others think that all artifacts belong in museums.  Some... use all their money to pursue a vague hint of some nebulously defined treasure.  And hop awkwardly to get there.  Summon an eagle (components: 5000 gold pieces) and fly to adventure!  Or mostly just falling down holes a lot and trying to get over that danged pit.

All downloads make the same noise when you hit them.

Show Notes

(04:35) Layton Mystery Journal! Now on IOS and 3DS!

(05:45) The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human

(10:25) Shock and Surprise, Zach’s playing League Of Legends

(12:45) More Stories of Players Unknown Battlegrounds

(22:15) Persona 5! Major Spoilers. Like, the entire ending of the game.

(25:30) Persona 5: Clearly The Greatest Valentine's Day Option. Mild Spoilers

(29:45) The article Tyler cited saying running like Naruto makes you run faster appears to be farcical. Other great articles on the site include: That one website that streamed One Punch Man is shutting down.

(33:45) The assignment Land… wait more Persona 5 spoilers.

(37:00) For real, the assignment, Landstalker

(46:45) Ranking the Land

Next time on Last Time, Final Fantasy II!

Hit in the face to get better at bleeding:,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 192: Cool Ferrari Physics [Another World]

One night, a terrible particle accelerator-based accident occurs!  Leaving his Ferrari behind, incredibly cool guy Lester Chaykin ends up, presumably in a galaxy far, far away.  Taking after the Indiana Jones school of Ph.D.s, he set out on a grand adventure to find out where he is and where he should be.  Unfortunately, he's not nearly as good at it as ol' Indy, and he dies... a lot.  Then gets captured.  Then almost dies, but eventually there's a space dragon, so it all works out.  Fun!(?)

Downloads are your Buddies.

Show Notes

(04:00) JRPGs and New Game +, which Chrono Trigger apparently named.

(12:30) Fire breath me like one of your French girls.

(17:30) Indigo Prophecy looks pretty spiffing.  Also, time for Another World.

(34:30) Transported to a sorted list of rankings?

Next time on Last Time, Cho Aniki!

Double colorless at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 185: Monster Bro [Wonder Boy in Monster Land]

There comes a time in every young, skateboarding cave-boy's life to pick up the sword and shield of his ancestors and deliver a beatdown on some monsters.  Saving princesses is already second nature to young Wonder Lad, and it's time for the lad to become a boy!  Explore a surprisingly metroidvania landscape before it was really known as a thing, and try to figure out how ceramic armor works so well against swords.

Ceramic Download!

Show Notes

(02:00) This is what blast processing was. Very technical.

(06:00) Scrooge Vs Shovel Knight

(10:00) The Assignment: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. That came out in 1987 right? Potential spoilers.

(53:00) The actual assignment, Wonder Boy in Monster Land

(1:03:30) Geremy lied; Aladdin and the King of Thieves was not theatrically released, but Robin Williams did return to play Genie.

(1:04:00) Ranking Time

Next time on Last Time,  Postal 2!

Comedy is subjective at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 168: @#^! Off, Flipper [Ecco The Dolphin]

The dolphin: sleek, majestic, and one of the most popular animals in the mid-90s.  It's hard to think of another animal that rivaled the popularity of our aquatic mammalian friends, and that's probably the reason this game exists.  Also, extraterrestrials, because why not?  Too bad all these keys make a door.

Echolocate right over to our download.

Show Notes

(02:30) Yeah, the Genesis sure was a system, guys.

(05:30) Everyone's favorite Mega Sauyan, Gurko.

(07:10) Drifters actually looks pretty sweet, but it's obviously the same animation team as Hellsing.

(11:00) Really quickly, this is the opening we got.  The travesty!

(14:20) Yay mechs.

(17:00) Not the game we thought it was, but there are a lot of adorable rabbit people.

(19:00) There have apparently been a couple ShinTen anime.

(21:30) Talking about some things we want to see in Sun/Moon (they largely came true!).

(23:00) A better dolphin world.

(25:00) Dr. Stranger.  Also, more ridiculous doctoring.

(28:00) So, dolphin time.  This game has a really weird plot.

(41:00) Here's a speedrun.  It's more amusing than the game was intended to be.

(44:00) Pay attention to the games used as arguments for the Genesis.

(45:30) Turns out dolphins don't survive at great depths, which is where this one fell.

Next time on Last Time, Donkey Kong!  The other one.

Come see some handstand jumps at,,,
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Episode 113: Let's Go on Vacation! [StarTropics]

Follow us on a magical seafaring adventure!  Sadly, it's not Wind Waker.  Mike, hero of Americola, has come to rescue his uncle based on information from a weird pack-in letter that came with the game!  Using his mighty weapon, he will conquer the undead - for some reason? - and save his uncle from aliens!

Use the download to beat your enemies like a yo-yo, yo!

Show Notes

(01:10) Mega Man, shootin' lemons.

(01:30) Kira "Jesus" Yamato.

(12:00) Bad strategy: the game!

(18:00) I was going to post something about Allenby, but here's the Burning Finger Speech instead.

(20:45) Crazy Dishonored shenanigans.

(21:40) The StarTropics overview.  No game is an island?

(29:45) Mike is a robot!  Jumping and general maneuvering.

(34:30) The bullshit ghost village dungeon and its relation to IWBTG.  We further discuss some resource problems this game has.  At least you can save the game.

(40:00) The negative feedback yo-yo.  Enemies are actually pretty good, though.

(43:00) Rankings, yo-yo.  Finishing first, Super Mario Kart.  Taking the silver is Star Wars: Dark Forces.  A solid bronze: Star Soldier.

Next time on Last Time, Alien Storm!

Ugly nosed trash monsters man the contacts at,,,
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Episode 87: Wake Up! [Link's Awakening]

The chain chomps and goombas are invading! Despite that, we're actually playing a Zelda game. In fact, it's the first that gives you an apparently mystical and well guarded secret in the LoZ universe: the power to jump! Travel with us as Link discovers an island of NPCs worth having dialogue boxes and the first of many trading sequences.

The download, 'tis but a dream.

Show Notes

(03:00) Final LCS tales!

(03:45) Feng Shui 2 sounds pretty cool.

(13:00) Abyss Odyssey is a game about Spanish/French mythology and also killing things... by Atlus, because of course.

(16:00) Just gonna throw this out there: Payday 2: A Payday for Pigs.  Smooth, John.  They've fixed that bug by now, so ya'll know.

(23:00) AC4 continues to sound awesome.

(31:10) Tribunals in games.

(36:45) Cosmetic changes that greatly affect performance.

(45:00) No sword?  No problem!

(50:30) Roc's Feather.

Next Time on Last Time, it's NIGHTS Into Dreams!

Get your clown on at,,,
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Episode 86: Why Is the Second Game Always the Worst? [Metroid II]

Join us for our second foray into sci-fi spelunking with everyone's alien bird hybrid bounty hunter! Although, she may be the only one. Come explore caves, remnants of an ancient culture, and more caves with us as Samus attempts to commit genocide. Also, she can roll on ceilings!

The download is a little sticky from the spider ball...

Show Notes

(04:30) Gamergate.  Seriously, people, is some class too much to ask?

(13:30) Deicide and you.

(16:10) Zach's League tales and edifying Tyler about lane mechanics.

(24:00) I'm announcing an announcement about an announcement.

(28:30) Some discussion on what qualifies as a "free" game.

(32:35) Innocent Life looks mildly amusing.

(38:00) Metroid II could have had better music.  I shouldn't feel like I'm in Subrosia in a Metroid game.  Or maybe I should?  It looks good, though.

Next Time on Last Time, it's Link's Awakening!

We can put some wind in your fish at,,,
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Episode 68: Duh Duh Duh Duuuh! You Got the Podcast! [The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past]

Join us on an epic adventure to save the princess and find a bunch of neat tools in the process! Find the MacGuffins, talk to fairies in caves, and, most importantly, use the Pegasus Boots to go everywhere because walking's for chumps. Also, don't forget your vanity mirror. It's dangerous to go alone!

This dungeon's item is a download!

(00:50) Thanks, Ranger Danger!

(03:15) Pikmin 3 is a bit short, but pretty great.

(06:50) Zach finally beat FTL.

(17:45) The past has links and deities!

(21:00) Training simulator!

(26:00) That's totally a maiden vanishing right there.

(27:30) Legend of Zelda: Tale of Yardwork.

(28:15) Combat in LttP.

(34:00) Boss run!... down.

(42:00) Comparing this game to Skyrim.

Next time on Last Time, Wild Guns!

Raw hide!,,,
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Episode 56: Magic Mutants and Tanks [Blaster Master]

In a world, where frogs can find mutant lairs that RADAR somehow can't, one man/boy will somehow know how to pilot a super tank and have a gun. Are you a bad enough dude to ignore the excuse plot and save the planet?

You might have to get out of your vehicle to download this.

Punch a dude with us at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 50: We Apologize for the Audio Quality... And Also the Game Quality [Prince of Persia]

This week, we play our first rotoscoped game.  A daring adventure through dungeons and against undead, sure to excite!  Now, if only the controls weren't so obtuse.  At least we have Ed with us this episode to help make the game somewhat bearable.

Also, there are a lot of bump noises on this one because we had Ed on our makeshift mic stand that Alex rigged up for our Animal Crossing episode.  That stand is actually a "bottle of alcohol and shot glass" holder, so it's not super steady.  Sorry 'bout that.

You can't download halfway through taking a step.

(00:50) We introduce Ed, while Tyler, who blames a temporal anomaly, forgot to introduce himself.

(03:00) Ed talks about Wolf Among Us.

(07:00) We talk about Pokémon for a while, because it's us.

(18:00) Some LoL talk.  (Editors Note: Still us.)

(21:30) SCP, guys.  It's pretty distracting, and not as useful for connecting to other computers as one would think.

(24:00) Fire Emblem: Awakening shipping.

(30:00) Story of the most recent Eve catastrophe.

(45:00) We start off this week's game with it's mechanics.

(49:00) Sands of Time!

(53:30) This game was going to be an Apple exclusive.  Yes, early Apple computers were top tier gaming machines.

(55:30) Prince of Persia is pretty bad.  Pretty unanimous "skip."

Next time on Last Time, it's X-Com: Enemy Unknown!  The original, in case you were curious.

Help us defend the Earth from aliens at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 44: The Secret is Killing Things [Secret of Mana]

Considered to be one of the greatest SNES games ever, this week we're tackling the story of a hero who must save the world... for Reasons!  Grab a ton of different, but mechanically similar, weapons and bash some baddies to victory!

The real secret is the download!

(05:00) Synchro Summoning makes no sense.  Geremy talks Hearthstone for a bit.

(09:00) Stupid electric gloves.  Also, creepy girl!

(15:00) The wonders of Zach's new computer.  It makes Ghosts want to die!

(18:30) Despite lukewarm critical response, MechWarrior Online sounds pretty good.

(21:30) Somehow, people took Tyler's standard screenname in the login engine for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, which is a pretty fun game.

(22:30) Secret of Mana trivia!  Related to Enix, if you want to start a journey into madness, start here.

(27:30) You pulled the sword, so now you're the guy.

(33:30) Santa manages to beat Darkseid every year.

(38:30) Is the menu noise of the Wii annoying?  Let us know!  Also, we talk about the novelty of key mapping.

(44:00) Magic!  The ring menu is interesting, but not a great idea.

(51:00) Final thoughts: probably skip this one.

Next time on Last Time, Operation Wolf!

Grenade chickens!  With no obvious segue, you can contact us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 32: Apparently the Chozo were Flightless [Super Metroid]

This week, we return to Zebes, and take on Metroid II: The Return of... wait, no we skip that game, and play Super Metroid instead!  How does Tyler's favorite child hood video game stack up?  Listen and find out!

Is that a download behind that bombable wall?

(00:40) We get side tracked right away and talk about some movies.

(2:00) What we've been playing!  Zach's still playing Shin Ten, with leads us to game length and content vs grinding.

(4:40) Geremy is playing Cloudberry Kingdom in addition to his normal games.

(9:30) Also Fire Emblem Awakening, Zach and Geremy discuss the characters and their outlandishness.

(18:00) Super Metroid! 

(19:30) The beginning, feelings of isolation.  Can atmosphere of a game make you feel things?

(23:00) New powerups and features.

(24:50) Color pallets and different areas.

(28:00) Game play!  It's like Metroid.  Go figure.

(30:00) Sequence breaking.

(32:00) Is it ok for a game to make you look around and try to find its content?  Or is it on the game to present itself to you immediately.  Obviously a game needs to do something to grab your attention, but does Super Metroid do enough?

(35:00) Exploration in video games, 2d vs 3d.

(37:15) Games with mechanics that help you find hidden items.  Are they good, or do they defy the point of having hidden items in the first place?  Are you entitled to all the secret items/achievements in a game without work?  Achievement Hunter would say so.

(41:20) Compared to Symphony of the Night.  Videogames stopping and slowing your progress, is it a problem?

(47:45) The pacing of video games.  Are modern games faster paced than older ones?  Is this a bad thing?  Also, the Pomodoro Technique.

(51:00) Final thoughts, and some giggling about Metroid Prime.

Next week, we jump a little further into the gaming present than normal for this podcast, and play Animal Crossing.   If you're interested, New Leaf is available on the 3DS, but as its a full cost game, you may wish to skip this one and just listen in!

Contact information?  No need to search for that, it's right here!,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 29: Somebody Call Me a Belmont [Castlevania: Symphony of the Night]

This week, we tread where no man dare to tread.  No man except a vampire!  And most people who own a PSX way back when.  It's a terrible night to not know how to backdash!

Let us download tonight for pleasure.  The bandwidth is still great.

(01:00) A brief alcoholic interlude, followed by what we've been playing.  Geremy and Zach played some SC2.  Nocturne, for the uninitiated, is a game about demons n' stuff.  Wonderful 101 is super weird, but kinda fun!  Bat nipples...  Tyler talks a bit about Thomas Was Alone.

(10:30) In Showdown Effect, katanas are the default.  Also, Burnout: Paradise is a pretty cool game that doesn't afraid of crashing.

(13:15) Videogame treadmill.  It's a thing that needed to be.

(14:10) When to get a new console.  Bungie continues to lend its mighty aid to Microsoft.  The PS2 may have been a thing.

(18:30) Why buy a console over a computer.

(21:40) What game would you play for the rest of ever if you only had one?

(23:00) Castlevania: SotN is pretty sweet.  CD loading roomsAmazing.  Zach and Tyler briefly debate the merits of 2D games and whether they should exist.

(28:15) WHY?!

(29:30) Cross-douken!

(30:30) Just a list of things this game does...

(31:30) What Zach was talking about.  Also, Alucard definitely gets vengeance.  Nooo!  My powerups!

(35:20) Sweet opening music. The rest of that video has the full soundtrack; it's killer.

(39:45) Pointlessness of sub-weapons.  They may help you get it all done.

(43:30) What is a man?  Die you monster!

(45:30) Just text is worth exploring.

(47:30) Play it!  It's worth the price.

Next week, you'll be cool enough to play Mega Man X!

Super lemons?  We have them at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 12: Really, It's Not a Secret To Anyone Anymore [The Legend of Zelda]

In this episode, we take a look at the first in a series very near and dear to at least two of the hosts.  Zach returns, probably to stay, and forms a coalition with Tyler against Geremy about the overall opinion of this game.  Bombs, laser swords, and Octoroks, oh, my!

This Download's not a secret

(01:30) What we've been playing.  It's mostly different stuff!

(6:40) We finally get to Zelda, starting to our entries to the series.

(10:00) The actual game and how it starts.

 (12:30) Darknuts! A terrible name for a crazy enemy.

(15:30) Exploration as a focal point in this game and whether the game enables it.

(19:00) Combat in Zelda.  It's... tricky.

(22:15) Death trackers: they sound like they should be awesome.  They're mostly extant instead.

(26:25) How to make Zelda better.  Remembering the existence of the whistle helps.

(32:40) Zelda as the inspiration for sandbox games?

Next week, it's Phantasy Star!  There will be sword slashing and stuff!

Wander aimlessly around the country side fighting extremely aggressive bats with us at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Epsiode 4: Do the Metroid [Metroid]

It's that time again:  new episode time!  This time, we talk about about the progenitor of one of my favorite series, Metroid!  This time around, we talk about themes of exploration and stuff, and see what Metroid did and didn't do well.  Does it stand the test of time?  Does the Ice Beam kill things?  Will I ask a standard third question?  Find out in this episode!

As a side note, I think this is our best episode thus far.  Let us know what you think!


(2:17) Wanting something Vs. Having it.

(4:45) Metroid the series.

(8:30) Metroid’s game play.

(13:00) Powerups.

(18:50) The Password system.

(20:50) The goals of Metroid.

(24:30) The Bosses, Ridely and Kraid, why both are not good Boss Fights.

(29:00) Themes and Aesthetics.

(29:30) And the Final Boss, Mother Brain.

(31:30) Multiple Endings.

Oh, my, we managed to stay on topic, and we have decent audio quality.  How will we one up that?  Well, despite what we say in the podcast, Double Dragon only has alternating Co-Op, not simultaneous, so in our first double feature we play Double Dragon and Double Dragon II: The Revenge.  Don’t miss it!

Beat 'em up with us at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.