When there are floating heads
In your local group
Who you gonna call?
Star Soldier!
Though, the floating space heads do seem awfully productive. Maybe they contract at reasonable rates?
The route to our download is fraught with guys holding stop signs.
Show Notes
(01:30) Apparently the WWE sucked this year. Who knew?
(04:00) Silly Metroid Prime. The trilogy is available on the Wii U VC now, though.
(05:30) The Payday Bomb Heist DLC is actually pretty fun. The dock's generally fun, and the forest a pretty big change in map layout.
(11:00) I can't believe we haven't
linked this before.
(12:00) Dilbert is apparently
(14:00) Infamous problems.
(21:30) Civ 5's narrator is apparently
William Morgan Sheppard, who primarily does voice acting for videogames.
Fallen London is a vaguely Lovecraftian web based game. Despite Geremy's answer to Zach's question, there's totally a character named Jack-of-Smiles. It's pretty fun!
(40:00) Star Soldier, where the enemies forget they're not in Galaga. This game has big problems with telegraphing collision boundaries.
Thief Town and
Spy Party both look pretty interesting as couch multiplayer games.
(49:15) A quick rundown of the power progression. We also compare it to Gradius and King's Knight.
Next time on Last Time,
Fire Emblem! Tactical Aristocracy Action!
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