Mario Kart

Episode 183: Sick Turns on Rainbow Road [Mario Kart 64]

Nothing says "family friendly racing" like driving down a highway at rush hour while lobbing projectiles at your unwary friends!  Now with 80% less eye bleeding, Mario Kart is back.  In addition to slightly better racing, battle stages add some variety to the mix by allowing to do what you really want in a racing game: duke it out in an arena with some bananas.  Karting just got serious!

Seeking its way onto your computer like a red shell.

Show Notes

(07:00) Yugioh Duel Links has mediocre net play, but you can make silly decks!

(10:00) Maiden with Eyes of Blue and Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon

(11:10) The sweet opening to Attack on Titan if you, like Geremy, are one of the 5 people who havn’t seen it. Also, spoilers until 11:45

(19:30) New additions to the series that started with Mario Kart 64

(24:30) Zach talks about some of his favorite courses in another racing game, Shift.

(26:20) Time Trials and Shortcuts.

(31:50) Will this game make the podium?!

Next time on Last Time, Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll!

The secret is face punching!,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 95: No, Speed, You Must Not Race in This Race, This Race is Much Too Dangerous! [Super Mario Kart]

Man, Payday 2 is an awesome game.  Oh.  The episode?  Well, come on a super racing adventure that lacks the most iconic item of the franchise!  That's right, we're doing Star Wars Episode 1: Racer, the game that had no podracers!  Not buying it?  Fine, it's Mario Kart.  It made our collective eye bits hurt.

Download: blueshelled!

Show Notes

(00:10) For those who didn't get the title reference.

(01:30) Flintstones!  We discuss some movie ideas.

(06:00) Old Hitler is an actual shark.

(07:30) That hentai-ish game we mentioned is Nekopara.  Tell us how it is if you played it.

(11:00) Civ 5, guys!  We know you've all been playing it forever, but it's fun!  The AI's logic is a bit confusing at times, though.

(16:30) Mario Kart's DLC, while a bit pricey, is fun.  The track for this game is pretty great.

(23:00) Payday 2's Overkill Software let Lion Game Lion develop their new DLCs.

(29:00) Zach's tale of Microsoft not being a bag of suck for once.

(38:00) Indonesia has a word for a third gender that roughly translates to "lady boy".

(43:00) That Getter Robo sure is a combining robot of some sort.  Also, Geremy has so much stuff going that he's now got a gaming schedule.

(46:00) Bravely Default, you're such a Dracula.

(50:00) Our discussion about Mario Kart!

Next time on Last Time, Star Wars: Dark Forces!  Set your blasters to brain drain.

No fancy flying over here at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.