Mario Party

Episode 187: Stars of Rage [Mario Party 2]

Famous for destroying hands and friendships, our first look at Mario Party was made infinitely better by actually getting together and playing it.  Featuring... adjectiveless minigames and actually amusingly themed boards, this game steps in to fill the niche of people who want to hang out and play video games, but nothing too serious, right?

For the low price of 50 coins, Boo's got your download.

Show Notes

(00:45) For people who can not see through their ears, Kevin was wearing this hat and this shirt.

(02:45) A rundown of what Kevin's been watching.

(04:00) The most exciting library adventures available!

(09:30) I'm not cutting this; open source anime time!

(11:30) Royal Tutor's theme.

(12:15) Dead Cells!  Also NeverDead, since Zach mentioned it.

(30:00) Zach's playing Dark Souls 3.  We died of shock.

(33:15) Aw, rats.

(43:00) Poor Toes.

(48:00) Tyler's finally playing Persona 3.  We died of shock again.

(58:30) Not sure if it's the right scene, but having your future daughter throw a smoke bomb works fine.

(1:04:00) Our Let's Play of Mario Party 2 was mildly entertaining.

(1:14:00) Will this game be the party star?!

Next time on Last Time, Enduro Racer!

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