Episode 228: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Everyone's favorite Doom-guy clone is back, and snarkier than ever. This time, though, Kyle Katarn is a mercenary teacher, and under his tutelage: You! Take on the role of grumpy Jaden, and explore labyrinthine and often disconnected levels in your attempt to stamp out some cultists. On the bright side, you get to do some sweet lightsaber stuff, and use both sides of the force. Plus, a large pile of guns is at your disposal. Make it to the end of each level by murdering everything in your path. It's the Jedi way!

Episode 180: You Build Your Walls, I Dig My Hole [Stronghold]

Good fences make good neighbors, and better walls make corpses of your enemies!  Manage the happiness of your ingrate peasant population as you try to stave off endless attacks from your political rivals.   It's easier if they're entertained, though, so train that one bear the hunters brought back to dance, and see if that gets them off your back for a while.  What's that sign say?  Wolves in 10 minutes?

Boiling tar on your downloads!

Show Notes

(01:45) Proving that we live in the worst Star Wars AU.

(03:15) Alex won the Great Island 'Dex Completion Challenge.  Also Ed.

(05:00) Generic villains, represent.

(07:45) Apparently, you can also say "March 9th as Miku", so obviously this happened.

(08:45) So... shiny!

(13:30) Europa, for the interested, is apparently the mother of the Minotaur.  Contrast with Europea.

(19:15) Too much moe.

(24:30) In case y'all don't know what a Caesar cipher is.  It's named this way because Julius actually used it to protect military intelligence.

(30:00) Food!  Farming wheat: OP and supply-chain accurate.

(34:30) We were all wrong.  Pikes are long spears meant for blocking horses, and a halberd is a spear with an ax on the end.

(48:00) Celebrating the rank and file.

Next time on Last Time, Contra III!

And then the war came to
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 179: Philosophical Zombies [Planescape: Torment]

Necromancers get all the cool toys: automatic corpses, snarky skulls, cool cloaks.  Therefore, you should show them what's up by talking your way around having to deal with them directly!  Hitting them with your big metal stick is also an option, but that's way less interesting.  Step into the world(s) of Planescape and try to recover your lost soul!

When you download, you just wake up in the mausoleum again.

Show Notes

(01:45) Pogo canes and annoying nephews!

(03:30) Segways can be dangerous.  Still not the worst idea.

(17:30) SolForge looks pretty interesting.

(18:45) MMO economies, for the interested.

(28:30) We at LTOVG enjoy a good skill grid.

(30:30) Painting the town red.

(32:00) Geography time!

(38:00) Isometric woes.

(53:15) The ranking stat is surprisingly important for bards.

Next time on Last Time, Stronghold!

Grain for ale at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 175: Fu-Sion-Ha-ha-ha-ha [Impossible Creatures]

In a world where fusion is not just a cheap tactic to make weak animals stronger, some crazy people thought it would be a good idea to invade a geologically confusing island chain and create some of these fusions.  From tiger-scorpions (tigions?) to wolf-mantises (mantolfs!), our 1920s action hero will use a variety of abominations to nature to help discover the mystery of his crazy-scientist-father's past, and maybe his own true nature.

Download from two different sources to create a more powerful download.

Show Notes (Notes for the Show!)

(04:10) Gal*Gun Double Peace: Watch at your own peril!  18+

(05:00)  Here’s the Mutant League Football Kickstarter if you’re interested.

(11:00) And here’s the total on the BattleTech and Yooka-Laylee Kickstarters.  Both made an unreasonable amount of money.

(15:30) Escape Rooms!

(20:00) Impossible Creatures!

(24:30) The opening cut scene.  The name is actually Rex Chance.

(26:00) I was going to link the opening to NASCAR Racers, but it’s so terrible I refuse to subject anyone to that pain.

(35:00) Ranking the impossible.

(41:30) Extra Credits on Super Mario Bros 1-1.

Next time on Last Time, both Bubble Bobble and Space Invaders!

Invade our space at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 167: Neverending Psychic Nightmare [Psychonauts]

Gather your wits and steel your mind.  We're going in!  Another game Tim Schafer was involved in (maybe a bit more heavily since he was directing instead of writing), this one's a bit of a trip.  Come join us for some off color humor, strange visuals and... existing gameplay and storytelling.

To know your opponent's mind is to know their download.

Show Notes

* Disclaimer:  We had a lot of problems finishing this episode off because computers apparently hated us the last couple of weeks.  The ending is a bit abrupt because we lost the audio.  Twice.  Sorry for the mess! *

(04:30) RWBY vs. Twilight.

(08:00) Sentinels of Steam!  It automates some of the tedium of the card game.  That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, but it's really a fun game, we swear.

(12:45) Gameroom sure looks like a thing.

(17:00) I feel like brotherhood in Sonic games really shouldn't be dark.

(20:00) Doom is doomed to be great.

(22:45) Carl Gauss was such a badass.  Look at that smirk!

(27:30) Anaconda.

(38:00) There are a lot of interesting characters, but maybe too many.  Here's the opening cutscene for y'all.  Anyone out there like Raz much?

(42:00) Power progression and incentives.

(51:00) While the Meat Circus is much reviled, the only part I found super annoying was this every 15 seconds.

(56:00) Podcast dies.  Also, the game got ranked!

Next time on Last Time, Ecco the Dolphin!

Yoshi's favorite snack.
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 161: Kill the Cows [Lords of the Realm II]

Never before has an RTS been so attached to a turn-based resource management system. We have, of course, seen the opposite, but this has a lot more... swords? Everyone likes swords, so we can promise that this game will definitely be cool. Farm meat and wheat, feed peasants, conscript and tax the daylights out of them, and make yourself some sort of proprietor of a large chunk of land!

Feed downloads to the peasantry for more troops.

Show Notes

(04:30) Survive's trailer at least seems pretty Kojima.  Also, spoilers about Tyler's adventures, it was literally just one more mission.  Speaking of voyeur showers, you can apparently smell awful...

(08:00) Some Hideo-PA.

(08:10) Clarification: Absol's face is too human.

(15:00) Space Hulk: Deathwing, new and FPSy.

(18:30) VNCreator! Can you make one better than that pigeon one?

(21:30) Cinematic magic.

(32:00) So many problems with the combat.

(41:30) Strategic ranks.

Next time on Last Time, Mario Golf!

Power... SHOT!
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 158: But You Can Build Your Own Coaster [Roller Coaster Tycoon]

Nothing memorializes a roller coaster ride like getting hit in the face by a pigeon right as you ride through the camera!  It's too intense, and likely to induce nausea, so it's lucky that you went to a park staffed by a sufficient number of handy men.  And by that, guys who seem to specialize in mopping up the results of intense roller coaster.  But, what's this?  Giant tweezers?!

10 Gs on this download make it pretty intense.

Show Notes

(03:00) Such Rhythm.  We can fight!

(05:30) Electricity -> Amber -> Ambrose makes sense, I swear.

(09:30) There are apparently some advantages to keeping the idiots alive.

(14:30) Victory conditions, related to loss conditions.

(20:00) Screwing with guests.

(24:00) Not a death trap.

(43:00) The rank is pretty steep.

Next time on Last Time, Shantae!

Nagging harpies at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 151: B****** Don't Know About My Additional Pylons [StarCraft]

Zerglings, Templars, and Siege Tanks, oh my!  The game that was so popular, it basically launched e-sports as a concept.  Dive into struggles of 3 races as they vie for galactic territory and, much more locally, a lot of natural gas.  Have some exterminators and get ready to roll out!  It's much more than Warcraft in space.

This download requires more vespene gas.

Next time on Last Time, Wonder Boy!

It's a wonder he's not dead.
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 146: [Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD]

Time to do some sick tricks and catch some gnar!  Come with us as we follow one skating celebrity and a bunch of people that no one outside of the community has ever heard of (and a mystical bum!) on a journey to... collect stuff around places that are oddly devoid of life.  Now that I think on it, does this game take place in a dystopian future where you're so bored without human contact that you contrive a ton of ridiculously complicated skating scenarios for yourself?  Probably not.  Also, we played Overwatch this week; can you tell?

Madonna, Benihana, it's Impossible to download.

Show Notes

(00:45) Yeah, that was pretty 90s.

(04:00) Turrets still suck, but at least the AI will help you up now.

(06:00) Why is the original always the best?

(11:30) Xenoverse does have amusing cutscenes, so that's something, I guess.

(16:30) ICE WALLS!

(18:00) Reinhardt and Mercy.

(20:30) Overwatch shenanigans.  It's pretty polished.  Unlike some other games?

(25:40) This Reaper skin.

(29:15) Apparently only 150 hours; must be a casual.

(31:45) Yes, Nintendo, that was a joke.

(34:30) Even the theme reminds of Lupin.

(38:00) The Lupin III board game has instructions in both English and Italian; just the pieces are Italian.

(40:00) Luffy bounces but he don't fall down!  Bones are seriously overrated anyway.

(51:30) 720 rank grind!

(56:45) Settling the score.

Next time on Last Time, Super Mario Land 2!

We have whole bins of golden coins at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 143: Hip Hip, Zoombinis! [Zoombinis]

Much like a pack of misshapen lemmings, these little guys will bugger on through with any commands you give them so long as it appears that you're solving a puzzle. Make some pizzas, fire some mud balls, and generally have a great time making it to your new home.

You can only download two items with file types matching a hidden rule.

Show Notes

(07:00) The unfortunately poor consensus on the writing in FE: Birthright.

(14:30) Apparently Fire Emblem is too hard and that's definitely the reason they're not getting new followers.

(20:00) The Dark Knight ability we're talking about is Dark Nebula.  I accidentally wiped my entire party the first time I used it.

(25:30) Bards and Mime Bombs!

(27:00) Yes, we're only just now discovering Dresden Codak.  Yes, it's amazering.

(29:00) Zombonies would be an acceptable parody.

(35:00) Seriously, it's just cheese bread, guys.

(40:00) Who shot me?!  Also, the Surprisingly Well Ranked Game of Zoombinis.

Next time on Last Time, Star Fox 64!

Insert dank Star Fox memes here.
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 136: かげふみ (Kagefumi) [Thief]

A far better thief than our hapless Windfish hero, Garrett finds his way through the shadows with peerless skill. Somehow, though, zombies can still hear you. Thankfully, standard zombie avoidance strategies apply. Those Hammerites still manage to muck things up, but the power of quicksave shall see you through!

Now featuring infinitely more Kevins.

You can douse the download with water arrows.

Show Notes

(01:30) Introducing Kevin.

(09:30) Geremy recounts a heroic snack trip while waiting to see Lazer Team.

(14:40) Freedom Planet is pretty fun and fixes a few of the problems old Sonic games had.

(15:20) Pony Island is... weird.  We highly recommend that you go in blind.  Not the weirdest game ever, but it defies some expectations.  Games like that are starting to get popular again, it seems.

(21:00) Andre Felipe Felipe's novel boxing strategy.

(25:00) If you like atmospheric platformers, try Ori.  If you like punching stuff while exploring, Guacamelee!

(30:00) Need more TBS?  Consider Pox Nora; just don't play online without practice.

(41:00) Shadows and water.  9/10.

(52:00) A better light/dark side mechanic.

(1:02:00) Speaking of steampunk fantasy.  Also, Mark of the Ninja is still great, guys!

(1:04:30) Which spot will this game steal?

Next time on Last Time, Kirby Super Star!

More hats than TF2 available at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 110: I Hope I Look That Good in My Castle Age [Age Of Empires 2]

Experience with us the sublime joy of collecting massive amounts of resources so you can turn them into units and spread them across the country to find your opponent's last piece of wall.  Somehow, that counts as a stronghold.  Imagine the king of a great nation huddling in a ruined tower while the Mongol horde descends upon him.  Also, a lot of farming.  And building walls.  So, a lot like most of history.  Strategy!

Mongols and Vikings and Downloads, oh my!

Show Notes

(02:30) Analogue: A Hate Story sounds fun.  Salt is definitely amusing if you want more pirates in your Minecraft.

(02:45)  Awesome enough to get its own timestamp note: Towerfall!  This War of Mine is interesting, but gets boring fairly quickly.

(04:00) A brief discussion of the horrible anchors that are online ranking systems.

(11:00) Apparently the city in AoT doesn't have a name; it's just "the Walls".  The various districts do have names, though.

(12:45) Remember, kids, don't be a publicized criminal or you might spontaneously die of a heart attack.

(14:30) Dino D-Day just looks amazeballs.

(16:30) The Golden Grin is definitely not free.

(17:15) Zach's newest pastime: Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires.

(20:00) Batpires!

(26:30) RTS fun times!

(28:30) A quick critique of AoE2's lack of civilization differentiation.  It's there, but it's subtle.

(30:30) This game's 4 resource system.  We discuss the optimal number for a bit, but 0 is a valid options, so it's probably personal preference.

(36:00) While it doesn't look bad, lack of visual distinction between ages can be a problem.  What's the difference between these two ranged units?

(38:00) Win conditions and their relative ease.

(46:45) Rankings?  Have some!  Nobunaga's Ambition, Baseball, and King's Knight all get slotted on the list.

Next time on Last Time: Chief?  CHEEEIIIF!
It's Halo.  Let the flame wars begin.

Pistol OP.
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 108: KFC Double Denver [Sim City 2000]

Apparently crowd funded games are on our minds this week, but so are a lot of things.  Maybe we should have had better planning?  Zoning, perhaps?  See what I did?  Anyway, we're building cities and exploiting the not-quite-human intelligence of their occupants to make tons of money!

Our download is more effective than Godzilla.

Show Notes

(01:45) Everypony thinks Mad Max is so shine.

(08:00) Sploon!  Turns out it's pretty fun.

(10:30) Cross Code is looking good.  Also, fancy shoes, but that's mostly unrelated.

(27:00) SimAnt was sweet.

(27:30) SimCity 2000!  Zoooones! There are definitely optimal strategies.

(34:00) How this game lacks extra goals that make other open ended games more engaging.

(41:30) GoG Galaxy and Geremy's initial thoughts.

(42:00) Wanna rank?  Super Mario Daisy!  Greyscale Mega Men!  Last (and least) Sonic Chaos.

Next time on Last Time, it's a double with Donkey Kong and Mario Bros.!

Stop!  It's hammer time!
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 107: I'm Gonna Be Viscount of the Pirates [The Secret of Monkey Island]

We talk a lot about books this week, which might be appropriate given that the game is loosely based on Treasure Island.  Loosely.  They both have pirates!  Also, a lot of Attack on Titan shows up, which, sadly, lacks pirates.

This download?  I don't see anything special about it.

Show Notes

(02:20) Smash puny titans!

(03:20) Ever want to ride a coaster where you're eaten by a giant homunculus?  Now you can!  The 3DS game is sadly not the flash game.

(07:00) Blackjack gets screwed over a lot.

(09:00) I have no thumbs and I must game.

(20:00) We played the Splatoon Test Fire.  It's fun!

(30:00) It's a secret to monkeys!  It's also mildly convoluted.

(44:00) Poor Mac.

(44:30) Rankings!  Kick off with Legend of Kage.  Boom boom Galaga.  Blocks of Asteroids!

Next time on Last Time, it's super city trouble with Sim City 2000!

 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 105: Die Hard in an Underground Secret Science Laboaratory [Half-Life]

This week, we take a look at a fairly well regarded shooter lauded for its cinematic storytelling... and then proceed to harangue it for exactly that reason.  Dive into the depths of Black Mesa with us and find out what makes Gordon the Freeman.

The right download in the wrong place can make all the podcasts in the world.

Show Notes

(01:40) Seriously, this lasted less than a week.

(06:30) If you like Mega Man, check out Azure Striker Gunvolt and Might No. 9!  I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard of them, though.

(08:30) Falling in London is fun!  So is the new Mario Kart DLC.

(16:00) David Tennant as Not-The-Riddler.

(16:45) Geremy's first thoughts on Chroma Squad.

(23:00) Somehow, Zach's the first of us to play Republic Commando, which is now a decade old.

(31:00) A discussion of cinematic storytelling in video games through Half-Life.  Apparently this game is Die Hard without Yuletide festivities.

(44:30) Presentation through set pieces seems to be this game's main strength.

(47:00) First person platforming is always weird, and this game doesn't pull it off super well.

(48:30) Exploration as a counterpoint to action and why the combat could have benefited from being more intense.

(1:02:00) More rankings!  Kid Icarus is a pretty cool guy doesn't angel of anything.  Surprisingly, you gain more ground in that than in Gain Ground.  Solomon's Key gets slotted as well!

Next time on Last Time, Fighting Street!  Shoryuken?

Button mashing all the time:
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 102: When Are We Going To Get Crazy Uber? [Crazy Taxi]

Get ready for some craaaazy fares!  Seriously, these people will pay ridiculous amounts for 30 seconds of driving.  Of course, at the speeds you're going, it'd likely take them at least 15 minutes to walk there.  So, the question become whether $50 is worth 15 minutes of their time.  Though, if they're letting these homicidal drivers take them anywhere, probably not, so... poor impulse control?

You only have 10 seconds to get to our next download!

Show Notes

(05:00) Civ V adventures!

(15:00) Reassembly!  Turns out that tactical nuke Tyler wanted exists in one of the factions.

(18:00) Into the Gloom is an ambient horror survival; it's aesthetically similar to Dare to Dream.

(19:15) Steam allows people to watch you play.  So, like Twitch, but with fewer people.

(21:00) Everyone is John sound hilariously amusing.

(27:00) After defaulting on your loans, you should Bravely Second.

(33:00) So... Crazy Taxi.  It's definitely got controls.  We proclaim it "fairly amusing".

(41:00) Back to rankings!

Next time on Last Time, Kirby's Dream Land!  Sadly, it doesn't suck.

Come punch out a giant anthropomorphic penguin wielding a hammer with us at
 or LTOVG@lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 You can also go to the show page at plus.google.com/+LastTimeOnVideogames or comment on the site at www.lasttimeonvideogames.com.
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.