Episode 135: Weaponized Evangelion [Sin And Punishment]

Never before have ruffians been so... rough.  Inhuman, even.  That's, alright, though, because this horrible dystopia featuring livestock (‽) become a hivemind of rampaging monsters, paramilitary groups oppressing the citizens they're protecting from the hordes, and a city literally filling with an ocean of blood is all just a training exercise for our protagonist.  What I've just described, though, sounds like some cross of Silent Hill and Metal Gear, which sounds great.  Do a barrel dodge!

Division of labor: one person downloads, but the other person navigates.

Show Notes

(01:30) Turns out Tyler's Japanese is terrible.

(12:00) Apparently we're not the only ones who like Absol.

(19:30) In case you, too, cannot pronounce Russian names correctly.

(20:00) Controller breakdown.

(26:30) Melee time!

(27:30) Japan, home of impractical weapon ideas.

(30:00) Speaking of blood oceans: I took some time to do some quick math based on the following assumptions: all of Tokyo is covered in blood, and since we can't see any buildings during the fight, that it covers the tallest building.  This results in 2.8e14 humans worth of blood.  Of course, there might be more than blood, so assuming a largish human average size, that's 1.7e13 full humans in Tokyo.  These are both orders of magnitude greater than the population of earth (~7e9.  You're welcome.

(31:00) Battle Cattle meets The Cowboys of Moo Mesa.

(38:00) On the up n' down.

Next time on Last Time, Thief!

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